Dan Madigan

How To Maintain Privacy In Our Digital World

So much of our day-to-day life is spent on a computer and/or online that we just assume a certain level of privacy exists. It doesn’t. Our established patterns and interests are valuable and sought after. Between the government, marketers, data mining and criminals, our digital privacy is eroding.

Attributes of a Great IT Consultant

Strong Communication Skills

Communication is what separates great IT consultants...

The Phishing Tackle Box: Your Guide To Avoid Getting Hooked

You ever been phishing? No, not the relaxing, semi-boring, past-time, but those...

Does Your Business Have a Password Problem?

The problem with passwords is that they're not very user-friendly...

One of two things...

Help Your Employees Adopt New Tech

Anyone who has ever worked through a botched, new technology roll-out knows that...

Using Work Computers At Home

Many organizations have employees who work from home on company-supplied systems or...

Five Ways Outdated Tech Hurts Your Business

1. Decreased Productivity

When a company lacks the right systems to manage key business...

The Password Guide: 7 Steps To Creating Unhackable Passwords

With all of our activity on the Internet, both personal and business, it is possible to...